
2024-2학기 2차모집 인하비전 장학생 모집 안내

대학원에서는 우수한 박사과정 학생을 유치하고자 아래와 같이 인하비전장학생을 선발합니다.

   * 문의사항 

   T. 032-860-8386

   E. dhlee@inha.ac.kr

The graduate school selects Inha Vision Scholarship students as follows in order to attract excellent PhD students.

1. Eligibility for application

A. Full-time applicants for the second semester of 2024

B. 4th full-time student of integration course

2. Details of scholarship and number of people selected

A. Scholarship amount: Total tuition fee

B. Period of payment

1) Admissions before 2019: 6th Ph.D. and 10th integrated semester

2) Entrants after 2020: 4th Ph.D. and 8th semester integrated

※ Among those who entered the school before 2019, students who chose the 2020 school year change registration system

2)to follow the payment period of

C. Number of people selected: 00

※ The 4th student integrated in the scholarship recommended by the supervisor (inha challenger) and the INSTAR scholarship

After being selected with support for Inha Vision Scholarship, until July 12, 2024

Cancellation of the selection of Inha Vision Scholarship if the relevant scholarship obligations are not complied with

※ Two people can be recommended per recommended professor per year

3. Selection criteria: Undergraduate and master's course grades, research results (required)

4. Documents to be submitted

A. Application form for Inha Vision Scholarship Students

B. Evidence of research results

C. A pledge to comply with scholarship obligations

5. Acceptance of the application form

A. Reception period: ~June 28, 2024 (Friday) 17:00

B. Place of reception: Graduate School Administration Office (Head Office No. 317)

6. In each department, Inha Vision Scholarship to the integrated 4th Full-time students as of the 2024-1 semester

Please guide us on the selection.

* Inquiries

T. 032-860-8386

E. dhlee@inha.ac.kr

2024학년도 1학기 대학원 우수사례 수기공모전 안내
성시훈 2024.06.11 17:29
2024-2학기 2차모집 INSTAR장학생 선발 추천 안내
성시훈 2024.06.04 17:13